
The Installation Guide can be found here.

An Otter Wiki is configured in the application via the Settings interface as admin user. Alternatively you configure the variables via the settings.cfg or via environment variables.

Please note: What is set in the config file settings.cfg will be overwritten first by the environment variables if they are set and second by the settings configured via the settings interface, which are stored in the database. In brief: Settings Interface > Environment Variables > settings.cfg.


Variable Example Description
SITE_NAME 'Otterwiki' The SITE_NAME displayed on every page and email
SITE_LOGO '/Home/a/logo.png' Customize navbar logo url (can be a page attachment)
SITE_DESCRIPTION 'A minimalistic wiki powered by python, markdown and git.' The default description used in <meta> tags
SITE_ICON '/Home/a/favicon-32x32.png' Configure via an url to the image that is displayed as favicon (tab icon, URL icon, bookmark icon). This can be an attachment

Permission configuration

Variable Example Description
READ_ACCESS 'ANONYMOUS' Read access to wiki pages and attachments
WRITE_ACCESS 'REGISTERED' Write access to wiki pages
ATTACHMENT_ACCESS 'APPROVED' Write acccess to attachments
DISABLE_REGISTRATION False With DISABLE_REGISTRATION=True new users can not sign-up for a new account
AUTO_APPROVAL False With AUTO_APPROVAL=True users are approved on registration
EMAIL_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION True With EMAIL_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION=True users have to confirm their email address
NOTIFY_ADMINS_ON_REGISTER True Notify admins if a new user is registered

There are four types of users in the Otterwiki: ANONYMOUS are non logged in users. Users that registered via email and are logged in are REGISTERED, users approved via the settings menu by an admin are APPROVED. In addition to the APPROVED flag the ADMIN flag can be set. Users with the ADMIN flag can edit (and approve) other users. The first registered user is flagged as admin.

Variable Example Description
SIDEBAR_MENUTREE_MODE 'SORTED' Mode of the sidebar, see below.
SIDEBAR_MENUTREE_MAXDEPTH unlimited Limit the depth of the pages displayed by any number.


  • NONE (or empty) no sidebar displayed
  • SORTED Directories and pages, sorted
  • DIRECTORIES_GROUPED Directories and pages, with directories grouped first
  • DIRECTORIES_ONLYList directories only.

Content and Editing Preferences

Variable Example Description
COMMIT_MESSAGE 'REQUIRED' set COMMIT_MESSAGE='OPTIONAL' if commit messages are optional
GIT_WEB_SERVER False Set to to true to allow cloning the wiki via git+http(s)
MAX_FORM_MEMORY_SIZE 1000000 The the maximum size of a submitted form, see the Flask documentation. Increase this if you have really large pages to edit and save.

Mail configuration

An Otter Wiki is using Flask-Mail.

Variable Example Description
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER '' The sender address of all mails
MAIL_SERVER '' The smtp server address
MAIL_PORT 465 The smtp server port
MAIL_USERNAME 'USERNAME' Username for the mail account
MAIL_PASSWORD 'PASSWORD' Password for the mail account
MAIL_USE_TLS False Use TLS encrytion
MAIL_USE_SSL True Use SSL encryption

Authentication configuration

Variable Example Description

Per default an Otter Wiki uses a local database for storing authentication information.

Authentication with PROXY_HEADERs

With AUTH_METHOD='PROXY_HEADER' an Otter Wiki expects the headers

  • x-otterwiki-name
  • x-otterwiki-email
  • x-otterwiki-permissions

to be set by the proxy service using forward authentication.

The headers x-otterwiki-nameand x-otterwiki-email are used for receiving author information and x-otterwiki-permissions a comma seperated list of permissions READ, WRITE, UPLOAD and ADMIN.

A simplified proof of concept can be found on github: otterwiki/docs/auth_examples/header-auth.

Advanced configuration

This applies only when you create the settings.cfg manually. Create your settings.cfg based upon the settings.cfg.skeleton and set the variables fitting to your environment.

Variable Example Description
SECRET_KEY 'CHANGE ME' Choose a random string that is used to encrypt user session data
REPOSITORY '/path/to/the/repository/root' The absolute path to the repository storing the wiki pages
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI 'sqlite:////path/to/the/sqlite/file' The absolute path to the database storing the user credentials


Reverse Proxy and IPs

Running the docker container behind a reverse proxy will show only the IP of the reverse proxy in the log files. With setting REAL_IP_FROM to the ip address of the reverse proxy, the IPs of the connection clients will be logged.

Variable Example Description
REAL_IP_FROM '' Configure nginx to respect real_ip_header, see