Commit f02b8f

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An Otter Wiki is configured in the application via the <i class="fas fa-cogs"></i>
**Settings** menu
- as admin user. Alternatively you configure the variables via the
+ as admin user. Alternatively you configure the variables via the
`settings.cfg`, see below. The docker image respects the environment variables and
configures the `settings.cfg` accordingly.
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@
| `SITE_ICON` | `'/Home/a/favicon-32x32.png'` | Configure via an url to the image that is displayed as favicon (tab icon, URL icon, bookmark icon). This can be an attachment |
### Permission configuration
| Variable | Example | Description |
@@ 25,6 26,7 @@
| `READ_ACCESS` | `'ANONYMOUS'` | Read access to wiki pages and attachments |
| `WRITE_ACCESS` | `'REGISTERED'` | Write access to wiki pages |
| `ATTACHMENT_ACCESS` | `'APPROVED'` | Write acccess to attachments |
+ | `DISABLE_REGISTRATION` | `False` | With `DISABLE_REGISTRATION=True` new users can not sign-up for a new account |
| `AUTO_APPROVAL` | `False` | With `AUTO_APPROVAL=True` users are approved on registration |
| `EMAIL_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION` | `True` | With `EMAIL_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION=True` users have to confirm their email address |
| `NOTIFY_ADMINS_ON_REGISTER` | `True` | Notify admins if a new user is registered |
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the settings menu by an admin are `APPROVED`. In addition to the `APPROVED` flag the `ADMIN`
flag can be set. Users with the `ADMIN` flag can edit (and approve) other users. The first registered user is flagged as admin.
+ ### Sidebar Preferences
+ | Variable | Example | Description |
+ | ----------------------- | ---------- | -------------- |
+ | `SIDEBAR_MENUTREE_MODE` | `'SORTED'` | Mode of the sidebar, see below. |
+ | `SIDEBAR_MENUTREE_MAXDEPTH` | `unlimited` | Limit the depth of the pages displayed by any number. |
+ For `SIDEBAR_MENUTREE_MODE` pick one of
+ - `NONE` (or empty) no sidebar displayed
+ - `SORTED` Directories and pages, sorted
+ - `DIRECTORIES_GROUPED` Directories and pages, with directories grouped first
+ - `DIRECTORIES_ONLY`List directories only.
+ ### Content and Editing Preferences
+ | Variable | Example | Description |
+ | ----------------------- | ---------- | -------------- |
+ | `COMMIT_MESSAGE` | `'REQUIRED'` | set `COMMIT_MESSAGE='OPTIONAL'` if commit messages are optional |
+ | `GIT_WEB_SERVER` | `False` | Set to to true to allow cloning the wiki via git+http(s) |
### Mail configuration
- An Otter Wiki is using [Flask-Mail](
+ An Otter Wiki is using [Flask-Mail](
| Variable | Example | Description |
@@ 48,6 73,28 @@
| `MAIL_USE_TLS` | `False` | Use TLS encrytion |
| `MAIL_USE_SSL` | `True` | Use SSL encryption |
+ ### Authentication configuration
+ | Variable | Example | Description |
+ |------------------|-----------------|----------------------------------------------|
+ | `AUTH_METHOD` | `'SIMPLE'` | See below. |
+ Per default an Otter Wiki uses a local database for storing authentication information.
+ #### Authentication with `PROXY_HEADER`s
+ With `AUTH_METHOD='PROXY_HEADER'` an Otter Wiki expects the headers
+ - `x-otterwiki-name`
+ - `x-otterwiki-email`
+ - `x-otterwiki-permissions`
+ to be set by the proxy service using forward authentication.
+ The headers `x-otterwiki-name`and `x-otterwiki-email` are used for receiving author information and `x-otterwiki-permissions` a comma seperated list of permissions `READ`, `WRITE`, `UPLOAD` and `ADMIN`.
+ A simplified proof of concept can be found on github: [otterwiki/docs/auth_examples/header-auth](
### Advanced configuration
This applies only when you create the `settings.cfg` manually. Create your
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