Commit f1509e

2023-11-18 14:39:06 Ralph Thesen: Added documentation for installing An Otter Wiki
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+ # Installation
+ The recommend way of running An Otter Wiki is via [[docker compose|Installation#using-docker-compose]].
+ ## Requirements
+ The **CPU** requirements are pretty low, you can run it on a Raspberry Pi 1 A (ARMv6). The **RAM** required is around 100MiB (according to `docker stats`). The required disk **storage** depends on the content, please keep in mind, that the backend is a git repository that never forgets: Deleting a page or an attachment does not free up any space. The wiki needs no internet access. Clients using the wiki need only access to the server running the wiki, so it can run in an environment which is _isolated_ from the internet.
+ As URLs as dedicated domain (e.g. `wiki.domain.tld`) is required, it can not be mapped into a subfolder.
+ ## Using docker
+ An Otter Wiki is published as a Docker image on Docker hub as [`redimp/otterwiki`]( The stable images are build for the plattforms `amd64`, `arm64`, `armv7` and `armv6`.
+ Make sure you have [docker]( installed.
+ To run an otter wiki via docker, listening on port 8080 and using a local directory for data persistency, use the following command:
+ ```
+ docker run -p 8080:80 --name otterwiki redimp/otterwiki:2.0
+ ```
+ Open the wiki via if you are running the docker command on your machine.
+ You can configure the application with environment variables e.g.
+ ```
+ -e SITE_NAME="My Wiki" -e SITE_DESCRIPTION="An otter wiki run via docker"
+ ```
+ For all configuration options please see [[Configuration]].
+ ## Using docker compose
+ The recommended way of running An Otter Wiki is via `docker compose`.
+ 1. Create a `docker-compose.yaml` file
+ ```yaml
+ version: '3'
+ services:
+ otterwiki:
+ image: redimp/otterwiki:2.0
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ ports:
+ - 8080:80
+ volumes:
+ - ./app-data:/app-data
+ ```
+ 2. Run `docker compose up -d`
+ 3. Access the wiki via if run on your machine.
+ 4. Register your account. The first account is an admin-account with access to the application settings. The first accounts email address doesn't need to be confirmed nor has the account to be activated.
+ 5. Customize the settings to your liking.
+ 6. It's highly recommended to use a webserver as reverse proxy to connect to the docker process, see [Reverse Proxy](#reverse-proxy) below.
+ Alternativly you can configure the application using environment variables, for example:
+ ```yaml
+ version: '3'
+ services:
+ otterwiki:
+ image: redimp/otterwiki:2.0
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ ports:
+ - 8080:80
+ volumes:
+ - ./app-data:/app-data
+ environemnt:
+ MAIL_SERVER: smtp.server.tld
+ MAIL_PORT: 465
+ MAIL_PASSWORD: somepassword
+ ```
+ For all configuration options please see [[Configuration]].
+ ## podman and podman-compose
+ An Otter Wiki can be run with `podman` and `podman-compose` in the same way as with` docker` and `docker compose` please see above.
+ ## From source as WSGI application with uwsgi
+ 1. Install the prerequisites
+ i. Debian / Ubuntu
+ ```
+ apt install git build-essential python3-dev python3-venv
+ ```
+ ii. RHEL8 / Fedora / CentOS8 / Rocky Linux 8
+ ```
+ yum install make python3-devel
+ ```
+ 2. Clone the otterwiki repository and enter the directory
+ ```
+ git clone
+ cd otterwiki
+ ```
+ 3. Create and initialize the repository where the otterwiki data lives
+ ```bash
+ mkdir -p app-data/repository
+ # initialize the empty repository
+ git init app-data/repository
+ ```
+ 4. Create a minimal `settings.cfg` e.g. via
+ ```bash
+ echo "REPOSITORY='${PWD}/app-data/repository'" >> settings.cfg
+ echo "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='sqlite:///${PWD}/app-data/db.sqlite'" >> settings.cfg
+ echo "SECRET_KEY='$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 16)'" >> settings.cfg
+ ```
+ 5. Create a virtual environment and install An Otter Wiki
+ ```
+ python3 -m venv venv
+ ./venv/bin/pip install -U pip uwsgi
+ ./venv/bin/pip install .
+ ```
+ 6. Run uwsgi listening on the localhost port 8080
+ ```bash
+ export OTTERWIKI_SETTINGS=$PWD/settings.cfg
+ ./venv/bin/uwsgi --http --master -enable-threads --die-on-term -w otterwiki.server:app
+ ```
+ 7. Open in your browser.
+ 8. Register your account. The first account is an admin-account with access to the application settings.
+ 9. Alternatively can you configure the application using the `settings.cfg`. For all configuration options please see [[Configuration]].
+ 10. Create a service file e.g. `/etc/systemd/system/otterwiki.service`
+ ```systemd
+ [Unit]
+ Description=uWSGI server for An Otter Wiki
+ [Service]
+ User=www-data
+ Group=www-data
+ WorkingDirectory=/path/to/an/otterwiki
+ ExecStart=/path/to/an/otterwiki/env/bin/uwsgi --http -enable-threads --die-on-term -w otterwiki.server:app
+ SyslogIdentifier=otterwiki
+ [Install]
+ ```
+ It's highly recommended to use a webserver as reverse proxy to connect to uwsgi, see [Reverse Proxy](#reverse-proxy) below.
+ # Reverse Proxy
+ A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of web servers and forwards
+ client (e.g. web browser) requests to those web servers. They are useful
+ when hosting multiple services on a host and make it much easier to configure
+ https. Neither An Otter Wiki itself nor the in the docker image provides https.
+ Mini how-tos for configuring Apache, NGINX and Caddy are provided below. For complete documention please check the corresponding software documention.
+ ## NGINX
+ This is a minimal example of a config that configures NGINX as a reverse proxy. The full documentation about NGINX as reverse proxy can be found [here](
+ It's assumed that An Otter Wiki is running either in a docker container or as a uwsgi process and listening on port 8080.
+ ```nginx
+ server {
+ server_name wiki.domain.tld;
+ listen 80;
+ location / {
+ proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
+ proxy_pass;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ### NGINX on Debian, Ubuntu and derivates
+ - Install nginx via `apt install -y nginx`
+ - Create the `otterwiki.conf` in `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/`
+ - Check the syntax via `nginx -t`
+ - Restart nginx via `systemctl restart nginx`
+ - Open <http://wiki.domain.tld> in your browser
+ - Check `journalctl -xeu nginx` and `/var/log/nginx/error.log` for errors.
+ ### NGINX on RHEL, CentOS, Rocky and derivates
+ - Install nginx via `dnf install nginx`
+ - Start NGINX and enable at boot: `sudo systemctl enable --now nginx`
+ - With SELinux enabled, make sure httpd can connect using `setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on`
+ - Create the `otterwiki.conf` in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`
+ - Check the syntax via `nginx -t`
+ - Restart nginx via `systemctl restart nginx`
+ - Open <http://wiki.domain.tld> in your browser
+ - Check `journalctl -xeu nginx` and `/var/log/nginx/error.log` for errors.
+ See <> for a complete guide.
+ ## Apache
+ This is a minimal example how to configure Apache as reverse proxy. Please see the [Apache documentation]( for complete details.
+ It's assumed that An Otter Wiki is running either in a docker container or as a uwsgi process and listening on port 8080.
+ ```
+ <VirtualHost *:*>
+ ServerName wiki.domain.tld
+ ProxyPreserveHost On
+ ProxyPass /
+ ProxyPassReverse /
+ </VirtualHost>
+ ```
+ ### Apache on Debian, Ubuntu and derivates
+ - Install apache2 via `apt install -y apache2`
+ - Enable proxy modules via `a2enmod proxy proxy_http`
+ - Create the `otterwiki.conf` config file in `/etc/apache2/site-available/`
+ - Enable the site via `a2ensite otterwiki`
+ - Restart apache2 `systemctl restart apache2`
+ - Open <http://wiki.domain.tld> in your browser
+ - Check `journalctl -xeu apache2.service` and `/var/log/apache2/error.log` for error messages.
+ ### Apache on RHEL, CentOS, Rocky and derivates
+ - Install apache2 via `dnf install httpd`
+ - Start apache2 and enable at boot: `sudo systemctl enable --now httpd`
+ - Create the `otterwiki.conf` config file in `/etc/httpd/conf.d/`
+ - With SELinux enabled, make sure httpd can connect using `setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on`
+ - Restart apache2 via `systemctl restart httpd`
+ - Open <http://wiki.domain.tld> in your browser
+ - Check `journalctl -xeu httpd.service` and `/var/log/httpd/error_log` for error messages.
+ ## Caddy
+ [Caddy]( is an open source webserver with a very light configuration that makes a fine reverse proxy.
+ After [installing]( caddy, configure `/etc/caddy/Caddyfile` with e.g.
+ ```
+ domain.tld {
+ reverse_proxy localhost:8080
+ }
+ ```
+ With a server accessible from the internet, `domain.tld` beeing a proper domain name with A/AAAA DNS records pointing to the server, caddy will [automatically]( serve HTTPS.
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