Commit 5d6203

2023-12-04 20:33:58 Ralph Thesen: added example for all syntax features
/dev/null .. all syntax
@@ 0,0 1,194 @@
+ # All Syntax Features
+ This page should be an example for all the syntax features supported
+ by An Otter Wiki. You display the markdown code via
+ <span class="help-button"><span class="btn btn-square btn-sm">
+ <i class="fas fa-ellipsis-v"></i></span> <i class="fas fa-caret-right"></i>
+ <span class="btn btn-square btn-sm"><i class="fab fa-markdown"></i></span>
+ View Source</span> or click [here](/Examples/All%20Syntax%20Features/source).
+ ## Markdown paragraphs and text formatting
+ In markdown paragraphs are seperated by a blank line.
+ Without an empty
+ line, a block of
+ words will be rendered
+ as paragraph.
+ Individuals words or sentences can be emphasized as `monospace`, **bold**, _italic_ or **_bold and italic_**. Or go wild and ==mark== or ~~strike out~~ words.
+ An Otter Wiki stores all pages in UTF-8 in a git repository. With UTF-8 you get emojis
+ like 🥳 and 🎆, that all modern browsers can display.
+ If you don't want to user a header for seperating parapgraphs, or a header is just not enough, add a horizontal line:
+ ---
+ ## Links
+ Some example for links in the middle of a paragraph. [A link to the otterwiki github project](, folloed by an auto linked url to, followed by a mail address <>. Commonly
+ used are links inside the wiki, e.g. one pointing [[Home]].
+ ## Footnotes
+ Here's a sentence with a footnote.[^1]
+ [^1]: This is the footnote.
+ ## Quotes
+ > One quoted line.
+ Got more to quote?
+ > You can highlight paragraphs as a quote.
+ >
+ > The quote can span multiple lines!
+ >> And it can nest more quotes.
+ >>
+ >> **Markdown syntax will be rendered inside quotes.**
+ ## List examples
+ Itemized lists look like
+ * this one
+ * with three
+ * items.
+ A numbered list
+ 1. first item
+ 2. second item
+ 3. third item
+ And a task list
+ - [ ] a unchecked item
+ - [x] and **bold** checked item
+ *The task list can only be mofied by editing it, not by clicking the checkboxes while viewing it.*
+ ## Tables
+ A wide table with different aligend columns:
+ | Very wide column without expliciit alignment | Left aligned column | Centered column | Rght aligned Column |
+ | -------------------------------------------- |:------------------- |:---------------:| -------------------:|
+ | Cell with Text | Cell with Text | Cell with Text | Cell with Text |
+ | Cell with <br> two lines. | Cell with Text | Cell with Text | Cell with Text |
+ A table with some formatting and an emoji.
+ | Alpha | Bravo | Charlie |
+ | -------- | ----------------- | -------- |
+ | `D`elta | Echo | Foxtrott |
+ | Golf | **Hotel** | India |
+ | Juliett | Kilo | _Lima_ |
+ | ~~Mike~~ | November | Oscar |
+ | Papa | Quebec | Romeo |
+ | Sierra | Tango | Uniform |
+ | Victor | [Whisky](#tables) | X-Ray |
+ | Yankee | Zulu | 🦦 |
+ ## Code blocks
+ Markdown is often used for documentation, so it's not a
+ surprise that it should be excellent in displaying code and configurations.
+ For example a minimal `docker-compose.yaml` for running An Otter Wiki:
+ ```yaml
+ version: '3'
+ services:
+ otterwiki:
+ image: redimp/otterwiki:2.0
+ ports:
+ - 8080:80
+ ```
+ This and many other examples for syntax highlighting can be found in [[Examples/Syntax Highlighting|/Examples/Syntax Highlighting]].
+ ## Lists can nest blocks
+ List can nest lists and other block.
+ 1. For example
+ * an unordered list
+ * with two items
+ 2. or
+ 1. an new level
+ 2. of an ordered list
+ 3. with three items.
+ 3. Somtimes you might have to add
+ an entire paragraph to a list. To do that indent it with
+ 4 spaces and add an empty line before and after the paragraph.
+ 5. Maybe you want to add a fenced block of code
+ ```python
+ class Example:
+ """Finding examples is hard."""
+ var = True
+ ```
+ 4. or a quote
+ > You get the concept.
+ ## Math or LaTeX
+ If you want to share math formulas in your wiki, [MathJax]( comes to the rescue. For example:
+ When `$a \ne 0$`, there are two solutions to `$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$` and they are
+ ```math
+ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.
+ ```
+ ## Special blocks
+ An Otter Wiki supports also some special blocks, whose syntax is derived
+ from various dialects.
+ You can create spoiler blocks:
+ >! ![](/static/img/otterhead-100.png)
+ >! Not a massive spoiler, but useful to show that you can hide images and text inside
+ >! a spoiler block.
+ ---
+ Blocks with summary, that unfold the details on click:
+ >| # Do you want to know more?
+ >|
+ >| Detail blocks could be used for handling spoilers, too.
+ ---
+ In case you have to highligh important informations,
+ An Otter Wiki provides special blocks in different flavors.
+ :::info
+ # An info block
+ with some content.
+ :::
+ and in the flavor of a
+ :::warning
+ # Warning block (in yellow)
+ With _some_ `formatting` in it.
+ :::
+ or a
+ :::danger
+ # Danger block (in red)
+ In case a warning not warning enough.
+ :::
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9